Cross-Party Group Annual Report.

25 February 2015

Cross Party Group on Dementia

1.    Group membership and office holders.


Chair: Eluned Parrott AM

Llyr Gruffydd AM

Mark Isherwood AM

Darren Millar AM

Julie Morgan AM

Lynne Neagle AM


Secretary: Amy Kitcher, Alzheimer’s Society


2.    Previous Group Meetings since the last AGM.


Meeting  1.


Meeting date:        20 Nov 2013

Attendees:             Eluned Parrott AM, Paul Harding (AMSS Eluned Parrott) James Radcliffe (Researcher, Plaid Cymru) Colin Palfrey (AMSS Lindsay Whittle) Amy Kitcher (Alzheimer’s Society) Alice Southern (Alzheimers Society) Linda Hall, Ken Hall, Prof. Anthony Bayer (Cardiff and Vales UHB)


Summary of issues discussed: The Importance of Timely Diagnosis


Meeting  2.


Meeting date:        11 Feb 2014

Attendees:             Eluned Parrott AM, Paul Harding (AMSS Eluned Parrott) Colin Palfrey (AMSS Lindsay Whittle) Paul Pavia (AMSS Russell George) Ian Johnson (AMSS Plaid Cymru) Amy Kitcher (Alzheimer’s Society) Karen Collins (Alzheimer’s Society) Sarah Rochira (Older People’s Commissioner for Wales)



Summary of issues discussed: Post-diagnosis support for individual and their families


Meeting  3.


Meeting date:        15 July 2014


Attendees:             Eluned Parrott AM, Paul Harding (AMSS Eluned Parrott)

Amy Kitcher (Alzheimer’s Society) Rhiannon Davies (Brecon Dementia Friendly


Summary of issues discussed: Building Dementia Friendly Communities


3. Professional lobbyists, voluntary organisations and charities with whom the Group has met during the preceding year.







Annual Financial Statement.

25 February 2015

Cross Party Group on Dementia

Eluned Parrott AM

Amy Kitcher, Alzheimer’s Society

Group’s Expenses.




Costs of all goods.


No goods purchased.


Benefits received by the group or individual Members from outside bodies.


No benefits received.


Any secretariat or other support.


No financial support received.


Services provided to the Group such as hospitality.


All refreshments paid for by Alzheimer’s Society.



Description and name of provider



20 Nov 13

11 Feb 14

15 July 14

Charlton House Catering




Total cost

